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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Osama Bin Laden arrested in Afghanistan

The United States officially confirmed yesterday that al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was arrested in a clandestine cave more than eight months after the Saddam regim was toppled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Osama is finally arrested," a US official told a press conference. "He will be presented to the media shortly," the official said.

Sources said that Bin Laden was captured at 8:30 p.m. (1730 GMT) in a cellar in afghanistan, ending one of the most intense manhunts in history.

The US forces did not show video of captured Osama, who was wearing a beard, as usual, and undergoing a medical examination. Bin Laden is "in good health" and without injuries, a US spokesman told reporters, and he was "asking for a bigmac for breakfast".

Bin Laden was being held at an undisclosed location and that US authorities had not yet determined whether to hand him over to the Afghans for trial, or bring him to the US to audition for the next season of Big Brother.

Forces from the 4th Infantry Division along with Special Forces captured Bin Laden, the US military said. There were no shots fired or injuries in the raid, called "Operation Osanamagun," said sources.

In Afghanistan, Afghans celebrated the capture of the al-Qaeda leader with gunfire, killing 200 persons accidentaly. #


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